As a JW child I thought continually of Armageddon and who would survive it. I didn't want to be like one of those people dying in the Paradise Lost pictures. I used to wish that my grandmother (Catholic) would die before the "end" so that she would be resurrected. Death before armageddon was the only way for a non-witness to get into the new system.
I use to wish I could die too so that I could skip the torture that we as JWs would have to endure in the "great tribulation" because I was afraid of that (I had read lots of experiences of torture in the Yearbooks and magazines, plus heard all about the beatings and rapes in Malawai). But, I also wanted to get married and have kids when I grew up. Those who died and got resurrected would not be able to be married or have kids (WT interpretation--they would be like the "angels" as Jesus said). So, I resolved myself to torture at Armageddon but was secretly afraid that if I got that far and died in the torturing, I still would miss out on marriage and kids after all.
Then, there was a change in thought.....those who had the chance to become JWs and didn't and died just prior to Armageddon may not get resurrected at all. They had their chance and didn't take it so resurrection a few years later wouldn't make much difference in their attitude. I used to wonder how many years before Armageddon was the "cut off" for resurrection eligibility. I also used to thank Jehovah everyday because I was one of the fortunate (couldn't use the word "lucky") ones as my mom found "the truth" and I was not going to die soon like all the other kids in school.
No wonder I turned out to be a WT robot when I grew up.